Start Looping – Day 5

Day 5 ( Published 5 December 2020) Please take a moment to get a checkpoint on how well you are understanding the material, followed by a one question survey about this material by clicking...

Start Looping – Day 4

Day 4 (published 4 December 2020) SETTINGS What is different from my current pump and Loop How do I prepare for Loop settings??? Settings are very important! Loop does math every 5 minutes to make decisions on raising, lowering, delivering a micro bolus, suspending...

Start Looping – Day 3

Day 3 (published 3 December 2020) Data, Data, What To Do With The Data? People usually don’t start to think about data until after they have set up loop and either run into a settings problem that they need help with, or they are getting ready for a...

Start Looping – Day 2

LinkDay 2 (published 2 December 2020) What does it cost? Here we’ll talk about “hard costs” and “soft costs” Tradeoffs to the hard and soft costs: Once you get Loop built and your settings fine-tuned, you will likely find that you spend...

Start Looping – Day 1

Day 1 (published 1 December 2020) Read “The History of Loop and LoopKit” about a 30 to 90 minute read. Watch the video “An Introduction to Loop” on YouTube, about 7 minutes. Visit the LoopDocs website and click around through the menus to...

So You Want to Start Looping?

So You Want to Start Looping? Loop is an app you build on your iPhone (or iPod) that is paired with your compatible pump and compatible CGM to assist in the many dosing decisions people with diabetes face every day. Many people find it easier to learn about and start...