Starting Loop: Quiz

Previous Next Starting Loop Quiz This is an open book quiz - feel free to browse the web if you're not sure of the answer.  If you score less than 80% on the quiz, it is an indication that you need to go back and review the material.  The answers are based...

Starting Loop: Support

Previous Next Starting Loop: Support Loop is an Open Source – Automated Insulin Delivery System Loop is Do-It-Yourself, but NOT Do-It-Alone Community, Help, Information There are many avenues to get help and support from others about Loop, Nightscout, school...

Menu: Starting Loop

Introduction to Starting Loop More Articles There are additional articles on this site that may be of interest to someone deciding if they want to Loop.  After reading one of these, click on the Back arrow of your browser to return to this page. What to do if Loop...

Starting Loop: Data

Previous Next Loop Data Pump Data People usually don’t start to think about data until after they have set up Loop and either run into a settings problem that they need help with, or they are getting ready for a doctor’s appointment and realize they...

PC User

I want to Loop, but I use a PC You have 2 Options Your best option is to use the Build with Browser method.  There is a second option that involves building a Virtual Mac.  The only reason that a Looper (or potential Looper) should build a Virtual Mac rather than...

Starting Loop: Settings

Previous Next  Starting Loop: Settings Settings are very important! Loop does math every 5 minutes to make predictions and recommendations on raising basal, lowering basal, delivering a bolus, suspending delivery of insulin, and more. If your settings are not right,...