Starting Loop: Pump & CGM

Previous Next Starting Loop: Compatible Pumps and CGMs Compatible Pumps Loop is directly compatible with both Omnipod Eros and DASH and certain older (2006 to 2012) Medtronic pumps.  Dana-i and DanaRS-v3 are available with a customization.  DASH and the Dana pumps...

Starting Loop: Phone

Previous Next Starting Loop: Compatible iPhone Recommendation We recommend an iPhone that is compatible with iOS 17 (or higher).  Loop requires a minimum iOS of 15.1, LoopFollow requires iOS 15.6 and LoopCaregiver requires iOS 16.  It is unusual for the developers to...

Starting Loop: Cost

Previous Next Starting Loop: Costs You may be asking: What does Loop cost? What should I buy first? What do you gain by investing in Loop? Once you get Loop built and your settings fine-tuned, you may find: You spend less time thinking about diabetes (Loop does it for...
Starting Loop?

Starting Loop?

Next Welcome to your Loop journey! Our aim is to help you learn what Loop is and how it can help you better manage your diabetes. This first section will cover the basics: What is Loop? History of Loop Disclaimer Why is it amazing? How does it work? Can I really build...

Starting Loop with Rufus the Bear

Previous Next Starting Loop with Rufus the Bear Are you all set up but still nervous about starting Loop? Quote from a Parent: “We started Looping with my 5 year-old daughter in 2020. We were naturally a little anxious about making the transition, so we decided...