Loop Caregiver Saved My Day

As a Mom of a child with T1D, I am extremely grateful for the development and availability of Loop as an app. It drastically improves our daughter’s glucose levels and the quality of our family life [sleep through (almost) every night].

As a working Mom of a child with T1D, it is not easy (sometimes just not possible) to find daycares or after-school cares that are willing to accept the burden of responsibility of taking care of a child with T1D. The combination of Loop and Nightscout already helped me convince caregivers to “give it a try” and thankfully, the majority have been okay with it. But until today, not all caregivers are open to using Loop for my daughter. So on some days, when her afternoon caregiver is not at the daycare facility, for example when sick, no one is there to enter carbs for lunch (and bolus). On those days, I get a phone call and I have to drop everything at work, leave a team behind, pick up my daughter from school and take care of her that afternoon.

Today happened to be a big milestone in my (working) life.  I got a phone call from school, that staff is sick and no one would be able to handle Cleo’s diabetes. Being still a little bit nervous, I was typing the carbs into LoopCaregiver App, submitting and observing the little circle with 43g carbs popping up on NS. (Of course, we did testing before, over Christmas, but my husband or I was always with my daughter and watched if it “arrived” on the phone) … I don’t think that anyone in the meeting room full of people realized what was happening at that moment.  First, I recorded carbs so that Loop would know that she is eating and begin to deliver automatic boluses.   Second, I could stay without any interruption, which means:

  • I did not need to drop everything,
  • I did not need to leave the meeting, and
  • I did not have to drive 40 min to school to pick up my daughter.

And so, for the very first time since my daughter Cleo was diagnosed with T1D, and no one was around to manage insulin delivery, I could do it remotely and stay “a normal working Mom”.

P.S.: My daughter is 8 years old and has had T1D for over 5 years. Loop and NS became our true companions …. And I will need LoopCaregiver way longer because Cleo has Down syndrome… Again, thank you for all that you do – You Make a Difference in People’s Lives!!!

This beautiful “thank you” was written by Ivana Tusch and originally appeared in Zulipchat.