Loop 3.4 was released on 13 July 2024,
the current version is Loop 3.4.4, released on 12 October 2024
What should you do?
- You should read about the exciting new features, which many Loopers have been using for several months through the use of Loop-dev, as well as customizations.
- Update to latest version of Loop 3.4
- If you are a Browser Builder, when you are ready to rebuild, there are some one-time build steps that are required when you migrate from Loop 3.2.3 to 3.4.x. If you are a currently using Loop 3.3 (formerly Loop-dev) and are not a developer or tester, you should be sure the default branch for your LoopWorkspace fork is set to main.
Build Error – LoopWidgetExtension
Error: Provisioning profile “match AppStore com.***.loopkit.Loop.LoopWidgetExtension” doesn’t match the entitlements file’s value for the com.apple.security.application-groups entitlement. Profile qualification is using entitlement definitions that may be out of date. Connect to network to update. (in target ‘Loop Widget Extension’ from project ‘Loop’)
If you get this error, you skipped the one-time build steps mentioned above.
- In your Apple Developer account
- Return to the Identifiers list
- Click on Loop Widget Extension, Configure (next to App Groups), select the Loop App Group, then Continue, Save, Confirm
- In your GitHub’s LoopWorkspace repository
- Run the Action for Create Certificates. (if you skip this important step, your build will fail with this exact same error)
- Run the Action for Build Loop
Build Error – NFC
Error: Provisioning profile “match AppStore com.***.loopkit.Loop” doesn’t support the Near Field Communication Tag Reading capability. (in target ‘Loop’ from project ‘Loop’)

If you get this error, you deselected NFC in your com.TEAMID.loopkit.Loop Identifer
- In your Apple Developer account
- Return to the Identifiers list
- Click on your com.TEAMID.loopkit.Loop Identifer
- Re-select NFC
- In your GitHub LoopWorkspace repository
- Run the Action for Create Certificates. (this step is important, if you skip it, your build will fail with this exact same error)
- Run the Action for Build Loop
Loop 3.4 added Libre 2 (European) sensor support, which requires NFC. To successfully build Loop 3.4.x, leave the NFC capability selected even if you’re not using the Libre CGM.
Build Error – Check Alive Branch and Permissions
If you get this error, you changed a repository name, for example, you added your initials or other identifying information:
- Loop-ccv rather than LoopWorkspace
- TrioWorkspace rather than Trio
In your GitHub LoopWorkspace or Trio repository
- Click on Settings> Rename
- Change the name of your repository to the default name
- Click Rename
- Run the Action> Build

Build Error – Check Upstream and Keep Alive
Loop 3.4.1 was released on 19 July 2024 and resolved the Upstream error. If you are getting this error, please sync your LoopWorkspace fork.