LoopDocs has more indepth information:
Multiple Loopers
Here are a few tips and tricks you’ll need to know if you have multiple Loopers in your care.
Your Diabetes May Vary (YDMV)
This is true of all T1D, but is an important reminder that insulin needs will not be the same among your T1Ds.
Keep everything separate
Give each of your accounts a distinct name so that when you get notifications, you know which Looper it relates to.
Pro Tip: Do not try to pair more than one pod at a time.
Loopers need:
- Unique Apple IDs
- Loop stores data to Apple Health and you won’t want your Loopers’ information comingled.
- https://loopkit.github.io/loopdocs/build/apple-developer/#loopers-need-their-own-apple-id
- Separate Nightscout
- Each Looper needs their own account
- Utilize split screen to see multiple Looper’s in one view
Caregivers need:
- Separate LoopFollow build for each Looper
- Each LoopFollow app will be linked to a separate Nightscout account
- For example, Looper Andrew’s LoopFollow will be linked to Andrew’s Nightscout account
- Single LoopCaregiver build
- Build LoopCaregiver once and install the app on each caregiver phone
- Add each Looper to each LoopCaregiver app
- Be sure to install the LoopCaregiver watch app if you’re an Apple Watch user. If you use an android device, other options, such as the Sentinel watchface may be helpful