Celebrating Passover

Passover begins on April 5 and ends on April 13, 2023 

Here are some Quick Tips on how to keep your BG in check as you celebrate with friends and family. 

Be Prepared

Upfront Bolus

  • Manually bolus 
    • Estimate some of your insulin needs for the next hour or more of eating
    • Loop will predict low BG and may suspend basal because no carbs have been entered
  • Add carbs as you eat them 
    • Loop’s predictions will rise as you enter carbs
    • Use pictures to remember what you have entered
    • If you end up high, it is often safe to use a super bolus, which is giving a few hours of your basal rate as a bolus. See DiabetesNet.com for more information.



  • Use an override for a slight increase in overall basal rate.  Remember that overrides will cause a proportional increase in insulin for Carb Ratio and ISF  – so be cautious.


Big Carb Entry

  • Enter an estimate for how much you plan to eat with a time of when you plan to start eating but use a long absorption time
  • Edit the amount of the carb entry, or add a new one, to surf your way through the day (Sugar Surfing™)

4 cups of wine

  • If  your BG is running low, substitute out some of that kosher wine for juice.  No one will ever know.  

Celebrating for multiple nights?

  • At the end of the first night, open your ICE screen and edit your entries to see how closely you can get them to mirror what Loop observed.
    • This may help you to get better results with less effort on the following night
  • Screenshot your carb absorption screen before midnight so that you can remember what you ate and how/when it absorbed

Pro Tips

  • Matzah looks innocent, but is deceptively high in carbs (1 ounce has 25g carbs, which is similar to the carbs in 2 slices of white bread)
  • Protein and fat in your Seder meal will take much longer to absorb (5 or more hours)