It’s Time for our Clocks and Loops to


Daylight savings time begins

  • Second Sunday in March at 2 am (US)
  • Last Sunday in March at 1 am GMT (Europe) …  

Daylight savings time ends

  • First Sunday in April at 3 am (Australia)

Here is a Quick Tip on how to keep Looping when you Spring Ahead and Fall Back!

All Loopers  

Before your time zone change,

  • Configure the iPhone to only allow automatic time.
  • Under iOS Settings, select Screen Time / Lock Screen Time Settings, enter a passcode

On the morning of your time zone change, 

  • You’ll see the yellow clock symbol near your pump on Loop’s mainscreen
  • Go into Settings / Pump / Scroll down until you find “Change Time Zone”
  • Tap “Change Time Zone” to synch your pump to your iPhone

For most people, this hour difference in basal rates won’t make much difference; but others have drastically different rates at certain times and that hour difference can be important.